KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant

DAF Museum

On December 11 2011 the Volvo Klassieker Vereniging (a classic Volvo-club in the Netherlands) held a meeting at the DAF Museum in Eindhoven (the Netherlands). It was in my residence and since I never visited the DAF Museum it was a great opportunity to visit this museum!

The museum is very nice and it’s about the same size as the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg (Sweden), but there was more space between the cars than in Sweden. And just like the Volvo Museum there are a lot of trucks (since DAF produces more trucks than cars). Even if you’re not a truck-fan it’s great to visit the museum! Want to see pictures of the Volvo Museum? You can check them out here.

If you want to visit the DAF Museum, here’s the address:
DAF Museum
Tongelresestraat 27
5613 DA Eindhoven (NL)
Tel. (+31) 040 – 24 44 364

Pictures of the DAF Museum

Here are some pictures of the DAF Museum which were taken during the Volvo KV meeting. Enjoy!

Click on the image for a larger version (will open in a new window/tab).

Volvolvo meeting DAF museum
The Volvolvo-cars at the parking lot
DAF 33 pick-up
DAF 33 pick-up
DAF 33 commercial van
DAF 44
DAF 44
DAF rally
DAF rallycar
DAF 55 Coupe
DAF 55 Coupe

DAF 55 rally
DAF 55 rally car
Another DAF 55 rallycar with stoneguard
DAF 66 Coupe
DAF 66 Coupé
DAF 66 Coupe Marathon
DAF 66 Marathon Coupé
DAF 66 Marathon
DAF 66 Marathon
DAF 66 Marathon Coupe
DAF 66 Marathon Coupé
DAF 77 Volvo 340 prototypes
DAF 77 prototypes. The DAF 77 became the Volvo 340
DAF 77 Volvo 340 prototype scalemodel
The front of the DAF 77 prototype
DAF 600 Daffodil
DAF 600
DAF two-tone
Two-tone paintjobs were very popular at the end of the 50’s
DAF 600
DAF 600
DAF A-1902
DAF A-1902
DAF A117 pickup
DAF A117 pick-up truck
DAF Coupe prototype
DAF Coupe prototype
DAF Havas
The DAF Havas by Hans van As. When Volvo took over DAF Van As was forbidden to produce the Havas-cars, but he continued his business by buying used DAFs and transform it into the Havas cabrio
DAF Kalmar
The DAF Kalmar, designed for the Swedish postal services
DAF Kini Royal family beachcar
The DAF Kini beachcar, which was a gift to the Dutch royal family
DAF mini racer
DAF mini racer
DAF Moretti
The DAF Moretti prototype, which was found at a junkyard
DAF Museum Eindhoven
Some nice old trucks and engines
DAF P300 prototype
DAF P300 prototype
DAF P500 prototype
DAF P500 prototype
DAF P500 prototype side
Again the DAF P500 prototype
DAF P500C prototype scalemodel
DAF P500C prototype as a scalemodel
DAF pickup
DAF pick-up
DAF police bus car
A 50’s DAF A10 police vehicle
DAF Porter
DAF Porter prototype
DAF prototype claymodels
DAF P500 and P900 prototypes
DAF Racing Paris-Dakar
DAF racing and Paris-Dakar trucks
DAF Regenjas museum
DAF Regenjas
DAF Siluro
DAF Siluro
DAF truck chassis
DAF truck chassis
DAF Variomatic Van Doorne
Volvo 66 DAF Museum
Volvo 66
Volvo 66 front
Volvo 66
Volvo 340 Cabrio convertible prototype
Volvo 340 Cabrio prototype
Volvo 340 cabrio prototype
Volvo 340 Cabrio prototype
Volvo 340 celebration 1 million
The Volvo 340 Anniversary car, for 1 million Volvos being produced. It was a gift from Volvo to DAF
Volvo 340 Mark Roling 1988 1 million celebrate
The Volvo 340 was decorated and painted by artist Mark Röling in 1988
Volvo 340 DAF 77 clay model prototype
Front of the DAF 77 claymodel prototype (the car that became the Volvo 340)
Volvo 340 DAF 77 scale models prototypes
The DAF 77 clay model and Volvo 340 Cabrio prototype
DAF Volvo prototype clay model
Another clay model
DAF workshop
The first DAF workshop
DAF YA66 army car
DAF YA 66 army car (and a DAF Pony behind it)
DAF YA 66 interior dashboard
Interior and dashboard of the DAF YA 66
DAF YA 66 cabrio museum
Also available as non-army car
Formula 3 Formule Vee Daf variomatic racer
The Formula 3 car with Cosworth-engine and Variomatic transmission
Osidaf osi daf City
The Osi DAF City concept car
Volvo 240 GL 144 GT 244 D6 Volvo 240 GL 144 GT 244 D6 miniature effect

Want to know more about DAF, and the take-over by Volvo? Check the history of DAF and the Volvo 340 here!

The website of the DAF Museum can be found here.

Many thanks to the DAF Museum and the VolvoKV classic Volvo club!

© Volvotips 2011

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