KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant

Archive for the Volvo S60 V70 S80 Category

Volvo art on canvas

A hobby I had in the past was drawing and painting. Mostly Formula One cars, but also various cars like Volvos, Rovers, Opels and sports cars. But I didn’t make any painting the last couple of years (due lack of time and lack of space) and because we’ve moved to a much bigger house last year […]


How to remove a radio in your Volvo S60, V70, S80 or XC90

When you want to remove or replace the radio, or you want to install a MP3 or smartphone module in your Volvo S60, V70, XC70, XC90 or S80 there are some steps that you need to take, otherwise you’ll end up in fault codes and errors. This tutorial is almost the same as the tutorials for the […]

Continue reading the how-to guide

Volvo launches the V60 Polestar – a true successor for the 850 T-5R

Today Volvo and Polestar introduced the new Volvo V60 Polestar. In my opinion it’s very cool Volvo has now a really fast estate car, and as a special model. Just like the 850 T-5R was. Polestar says the V60 Polestar is to celebrate the Volvo-heritage of fast stationwagons like the 850 BTCC. Just like the legendary […]

Continue reading about the new Volvo V60 Polestar

Replacing the V70 with a Volvo V70 turbo, which is replaced by a Volvo S80 2.4T

My 2001 Volvo V70 needed a replacement: after a huge mistake of a Dutch Volvo-tuner (they replaced the cambelt without using special tools, so the cambelt wasn’t installed correctly) so I didn’t trust the engine anymore (running idle wasn’t great: it had some dips sometimes). I drove the car more than a year with these problem but […]

Read the rest of the article for more pictures and info about the V70 Turbo and S80 2.4T

Will E15 gasoline with ethanol work in a Volvo?

The last two weeks I’ve tested a new fuel that’s available at the Dutch market: BlueOne95. BlueOne95 is a E15 fuel which contains 15% liquid ethanol, which is different than the regular ethanol as used in E10 gasoline. The 15% ethanol in E15 biofuel blend is a so-called “liquid ethanol” (or “wet ethanol”) because it hasn’t been […]


Volvo goodies I bought at the Volvobeurs event

Last weekend the yearly classic Volvo event called “Volvo klassieker beurs” was held in Nieuwegein (the Netherlands). It’s a very nice event to meet new people and see old friends who shares the same hobby. This year the Classic Volvo Club (in Dutch: Volvo Klassieker Vereniging) moved to a new location since the old location, […]


Flushing the automatic gearbox with Powerflush – the review

A month ago I posted my 2001 Volvo V70 would receive a Powerflush treatment to replace and flush the automatic transmission fluid. Since I drove about 1.000km (625 miles) since the Powerflush treatment I decided to write a review about Powerflush and share my experiences. Well: here it is! The Volvo-dealer changed the ATF of […]


Automatic gearbox flushing for the Volvo V70

My 2001 Volvo V70 (the V70N-model) has a problem with the automatic gearbox lately: it’s pretty poor in shifting up and slips more than often. Besides that the revs at running idle aren’t very stable and could also be caused by the automatic transmission. And at certain revs (between 1.800rpm and 2.200rpm) a strange vibration […]


Installing rear roof spoiler for my Volvo V70 – update

A while ago I bought a rear roof spoiler for my Volvo V70. After I painted it I installed the spoiler on my 2001 Volvo V70. For installation there were 3 options: use bolts and drill holes in the tailgate to install the spoiler (but unfortunately the thread and holes of the spoiler doesn’t match […]


Scantech Volvo parts stops production

As I mentioned a couple of months ago on Twitter a famous aftermarket Volvo & Saab-manufacturer stops producing parts. Most Volvo classic car drivers know Scantech for its cheap (but sometimes poor) aftermarket parts. Rumours last January said the investers of Scantech wanted to quit investing money in the company, but it seems Scantech stops being active […]