Interior upholstery PV
To find the upholstery code of your Volvo PV or Duett: please check the VIN-plate under the hood. It is located on the firewall at the passenger side of the car. At the plate there is a field called “Klädsel” (it’s Swedish for “upholstery”). This number is the color code of the upholstery.
Interior upholstery Volvo PV 444
In the overview below you can find the Volvo PV 444 upholstery codes including the right color samples of the fabrics Volvo used on the 444. You can find it at the VIN-plate under the hood, called “klädsel/upholstery”, but not on the 444 A since the first PV 444 only came with one available upholstery color (except the Special).
All seat covers and other upholstery parts of the Volvo PV and Duett can be bought at VP Autoparts (Veteran Parts is the only producer of the upholstery and the covers are exactly the same as the original upholstery and in my opinion it it much better than a reproduction made by a local furnisher, also a lot cheaper) , which also have stores in Sweden and USA.
The fabrics Volvo used in the PV 444 are cotton and vinyl (which was called “leatherette” back in the days). Vinyl was used for the armrests, doorpanels etc. The late PV Special versions also have complete vinyl upholstery.
Upholstery and interior of the PV 444 California which was exported to the USA. The upholstery was black with yellow and the steering wheel is black.
If you have pictures of 444 interiors, please let me know!
Interior upholstery Volvo PV 544
As expected the 544 has a lot of more colors available for the interior. You can find the color code for your upholstery at the chassisnumber-plate under the hood (the number at “Klädsel” is the color code for the upholstery). Used fabrics are cotton and vinyl. Note: there are 2 types of back seats of the PV 544. See the image below.
In 1962 the front seats has been changed and made thinner to provide more space for the passengers in the back seat.
All seat covers and other upholstery parts of the Volvo PV and Duett can be bought at VP Autoparts (Veteran Parts is the only producer of the upholstery and the covers are exactly the same as the original upholstery and in my opinion it it much better than a reproduction made by a local furnisher, also a lot cheaper) , which also have stores in Sweden and USA.
In the overview below you can find all the color codes and (if available) an example.
All interior parts are still new available at VP Autoparts.
Interior upholstery Volvo Duett P445 / P110 and P210
The upholstery for the Volvo Duett is almost the same as the PV’s, except the door panels, back seat and b-pillars. That’s why the interior codes are different. Used fabrics: cotton and vinyl (for all types: armrests and doorpanels are made of vinyl, kickpanels are made of cardboard). You can find the interior code under the hood at the chassisnumber-plate (the number at “Klädsel” is the one you’re looking for).
All seat covers and other upholstery parts of the Volvo PV and Duett can be bought at VP Autoparts (Veteran Parts is the only producer of the upholstery and the covers are exactly the same as the original upholstery and in my opinion it it much better than a reproduction made by a local furnisher, also a lot cheaper) , which also have stores in Sweden and USA.
In the overview below you can see the interior codes for the 445 (110, based on the PV444) and 210 (Duett based on the PV544).
If you have any pictures of the 445/Duett interior upholstery which is not mentioned above, please let me know!
Dashboard Volvo PV 444 and 445 / P110 Duett
The PV 444 has two types of dashboards: the first type (PV 444 A and AS) with the speedometer and instruments in the center of the dashboard and since the PV 444 B and BS with the speedometer and instruments in front of the driver.
Dashboard of the Volvo PV 444 A
Since the 444 mainly is produced with the new type dashboard I will only describe this late type dashboard.
Dashboard since the PV 444 B
Instruments and controls new type 444 dashboard
1. Heater controls | 13. Gear lever |
2. Lighting switch | 14. Radiator blind control |
3. Oil pressure gauge | 15. Steering wheel |
4. Choke control | 16. Horn ring |
5. Ampmeter | 17. Accelerator pedal |
6. Directional signal warning light | 18. Brake pedal |
7. Headlight beams warning light | 19. Clutch pedal |
8. Water temperature gauge | 20. Instrument lighting switch |
9. Cigarette lighter (optional extra) | 21. Dip switch |
10. Fuel gauge | 22. Hand brake |
11. Combined starter switch and ignition switch | 23. Directional signal switch (indicator) |
12. Ash tray | 24. Windshield wiper control |
Dashboard Volvo PV 544 and P210 Duett
The PV 544 and Duett (P210, introduced in ModelYear 1960) got a new speedometer, a soft padded dashboard top (vinyl with baked foam on the inside), a trapezium housing for the speedometer and new instruments and a new steering wheel. The switches are also new.
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