DAF Museum
On December 11 2011 the Volvo Klassieker Vereniging (a classic Volvo-club in the Netherlands) held a meeting at the DAF Museum in Eindhoven (the Netherlands). It was in my residence and since I never visited the DAF Museum it was a great opportunity to visit this museum!
The museum is very nice and it’s about the same size as the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg (Sweden), but there was more space between the cars than in Sweden. And just like the Volvo Museum there are a lot of trucks (since DAF produces more trucks than cars). Even if you’re not a truck-fan it’s great to visit the museum! Want to see pictures of the Volvo Museum? You can check them out here.
If you want to visit the DAF Museum, here’s the address:
DAF Museum
Tongelresestraat 27
5613 DA Eindhoven (NL)
Tel. (+31) 040 – 24 44 364
Pictures of the DAF Museum
Here are some pictures of the DAF Museum which were taken during the Volvo KV meeting. Enjoy!
Click on the image for a larger version (will open in a new window/tab).
Want to know more about DAF, and the take-over by Volvo? Check the history of DAF and the Volvo 340 here!
The website of the DAF Museum can be found here.
Many thanks to the DAF Museum and the VolvoKV classic Volvo club!
© Volvotips 2011