KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant

Archive for the Volvo Amazon Category

Volvo art on canvas

A hobby I had in the past was drawing and painting. Mostly Formula One cars, but also various cars like Volvos, Rovers, Opels and sports cars. But I didn’t make any painting the last couple of years (due lack of time and lack of space) and because we’ve moved to a much bigger house last year […]


New tax regulations for classic cars in The Netherlands: 40 years and older cars will be tax-free

Today was the big day: Secretary of Finance Frans Weekers finally announced the new plans for classic cars in The Netherlands. After several weeks of arguing with oldtimer-clubs and branche & sector representatives, and even mediation by ex-minister De Jager, there is a final solution for this soap. BNR Newsradio  announced the plans of Weekers. Classic cars […]


New tax system for classic cars in the Netherlands: 25% tax rate for classic cars or day ticket system

Today was the big exciting day for classic car fans in The Netherlands: the Secretary of Finance Mr. Frans Weekers was expected (after a small delay since last Wednesday) to announce the new tax plans for oldtimers. The very first idea (as announced in November 2012) was to ban the tax-free status of cars older than […]


Dutch government announces new classic car regulations next Wednesday

As mentioned earlier on the blog of Volvotips (Bad news for classic car fans in The Netherlands) the Dutch government were planning to ban the exemption for the road taxes for classic cars. The government didn’t like the idea a lot of classic car owners were using an oldtimer as daily driver to avoid paying road […]


New redesigned bushings for the idler arm of Volvo Amazon, P1800, 140 and 164

A very common problem of the Volvo Amazon, 140/164 and P1800 is the bushing of the idler arm will wear out very quickly. Fortunately there is now a very good solution available for it: a bearing-mounted bushing with grease nipple. If your car uses the bushing with Volvo part number 671444 this new solution will […]


Bad news for classic car fans in The Netherlands

After the Dutch elections on September 12 this year, a new government has been presented today and they also presented their new plans for the next 4 years. Unfortunately there is very bad news for the Dutch classic car and oldtimer-fans: the exemption for the road taxes for classic cars has been banned by the […]


Volvo goodies I bought at the Volvobeurs event

Last weekend the yearly classic Volvo event called “Volvo klassieker beurs” was held in Nieuwegein (the Netherlands). It’s a very nice event to meet new people and see old friends who shares the same hobby. This year the Classic Volvo Club (in Dutch: Volvo Klassieker Vereniging) moved to a new location since the old location, […]


Scantech Volvo parts stops production

As I mentioned a couple of months ago on Twitter a famous aftermarket Volvo & Saab-manufacturer stops producing parts. Most Volvo classic car drivers know Scantech for its cheap (but sometimes poor) aftermarket parts. Rumours last January said the investers of Scantech wanted to quit investing money in the company, but it seems Scantech stops being active […]


Volvotips Youtube-channel

Did you know that Volvotips.com has a own Youtube-channel? You can find it here. At this moment there are about 15 videos but new videos are being uploaded weekly. The most videos are from one of my cars, lik the walkaround-video below. Just visit the Volvotips videochannel on Youtube for more nice vids!


Volvotips, the ultimate site for classic Volvo cars!

Welcome @ Volvotips.com! The most complete website for the Volvo PV until the legendary Volvo 850. You can find all info about all classic Volvo cars and youngtimers on this website, including service manuals, parts catalogs and the complete detailed history about the development of your favorite Volvo. Every day new content will be published. Did […]