KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant

Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Leaked photos of the new Volvo Concept XC Coupe

Thanks to the website Jalopnik.com and Autoblog.com the leaked images of Volvo’s new concept car are now already available. The launch of the Volvo Concept XC Coupe is planned on January 13 this year, but somehow the pictures are already online. Oops! The newest Volvo concept car: the Volvo Concept XC Coupe, it looks like […]


Merry Christmas!

Volvotips wishes you and your family a merry Christmas! Enjoy your holiday and enjoy your Volvo while driving safely to your family or friends!  


Volvo launches the V60 Polestar – a true successor for the 850 T-5R

Today Volvo and Polestar introduced the new Volvo V60 Polestar. In my opinion it’s very cool Volvo has now a really fast estate car, and as a special model. Just like the 850 T-5R was. Polestar says the V60 Polestar is to celebrate the Volvo-heritage of fast stationwagons like the 850 BTCC. Just like the legendary […]

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The new Volvo V40 arrived at the dealer

Yesterday I visited Volvo-dealer Kallen in Geleen (The Netherlands) and when I arrived a brand new Volvo V40 arrived, just from the factory in Gent (Belgium) where the V40 is produced. The new V40 will be available in August 2012 but some dealers have a V40 for testing and as demo-car. These V40s will both […]


BMW wants to produce cars in old Volvo-factory in Born

As mentioned before on Volvotips Nedcar (the former factory in Born where the Volvo 300-series, 400-series and S40/V40 were produced) is for sale. The Dutch company VDL (who produces buses, coaches and some other transport-related products) wants to take over Nedcar, but only when they’re sure a car company gives them a big order to produce […]


Scantech Volvo parts stops production

As I mentioned a couple of months ago on Twitter a famous aftermarket Volvo & Saab-manufacturer stops producing parts. Most Volvo classic car drivers know Scantech for its cheap (but sometimes poor) aftermarket parts. Rumours last January said the investers of Scantech wanted to quit investing money in the company, but it seems Scantech stops being active […]


Painting the Volvo V70 rear roof spoiler

As mentioned in a previous blogpost I bought a rear spoiler for my 2001 Volvo V70. Since my car doesn’t have roofrails the V70 isn’t as pretty as it should be: V70s without a rear roof spoiler and without roofrails seems to have a bit “sacked down” back. A roof spoiler should solve this horrible […]


Installing a Grom USB & Ipod / Iphone interface in a Volvo

This how-to guide is almost similar to the tutorial of the Yatour usb-unit I posted earlier. But now it’s about the very popular Grom Audio iPhone/iPod/USB interface which is mostly used on the Volvo HU-radio. I tried the Yatour usb-interface earlier and it’s working fine but not for me: the file support for mp3-files larger than 50mb […]


Mistakes made by the workshop

A couple of weeks ago my 2001 Volvo V70 went to the workshop for maintenance (see the blogpost here), but unfortunately the garage noticed the pulley of the camshaft adjustment was in terrible condition. Thanks to that the engine was leaking some oil, but fortunately not for a long time. To solve this problem the […]


How to install a Yatour mp3 usb-module on a Volvo HU or SC radio

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to install a Yatour (also sold as Motrade, Ycarlink and other brandnames) mp3 USB- and SD-card module for your Volvo HU- or SC-radio. You’ll connect this unit on the cd-changer-port of the radio and this sd/usb-module will emulate as a cd-dischanger but works as a digital music changer. Since the Volvo […]