Amazon parts manual
Volvotips got permission of Volvo Cars Heritage to publish the Volvo Amazon service manuals and Volvo Amazon parts catalogue. These service manuals and parts catalogs can be viewed at Volvotips but aren’t allowed to be downloaded. Instead of a downloadable PDF I created online Flash-version (sort of e-book) of all Volvo-manuals and catalogs which can be browsed through in your webbrowser. To view the Volvo parts catalog or Volvo greenbooks you’ll need Flash 8 (or higher). If you don’t have Flash or your version is too old you can download it at the Adobe website.
The parts manuals of the Volvo Amazon are available in three version: the Volvo 120-series (P1200) with B16-engine, the Volvo 120-, 130-, and 220-series with B18-engine and the Volvo 130- and 220-series with B20-engine. For the people who don’t know where to look: the 120-series is the Amazon 4-door saloon, 130-series is the two-door version and the 220 is the Amazon Combi (Estate).
If you’re looking for Group 7 at the Parts Catalogue: they don’t exist in the B16- and B18-catalog. In the B20 parts manual it does exist, but it refers to other groups.
Using the parts catalog isn’t hard: just look for the subject (like the engine, bodywork or cooling system) and search the sketch where the part is what you’re looking for. The number of the part is included and can be found at the page next to the drawing and tells you the part number (and in some cases: the new part number, or the quantity of that part needed, or some specific details). Now you know the part number and you can search the web to order it online or buy it at a shop.
Volvo Amazon parts catalog
The Volvo Amazon parts catalogs are available in three version:
Volvo 120-series parts catalog with B16-engine
Click on the link above for the B16 parts catalogue for the Amazon P1200 and 120.
Volvo 120, 130 and 220 parts calatog with B18-engine
Click on the link above for the B18 parts catalogue for the Amazon 121, 122s, 131 and 220 (Combi).
Volvo 130 and 220 parts catalog with B20-engine
Click on the link above for the B20 parts catalogue for the Amazon 131 and 220 (Combi). If you have an Amazon with B20-engine but was fitted originally with a B18-engine you should also use this parts catalog.
Disclaimer: Volvotips has the exclusive courtesy of Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Cars Heritage to publish the Volvo Greenbooks (service manual), parts catalogs and other Volvo-material and publications. Commercial use and publishing at other websites of these items is prohibited.