KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant


Volvotips offers all information, service manuals and parts catalogs of all classic Volvo cars and youngtimers like the 940 and 850. It takes a lot of work to collect all information, scan images, publish the service & repair manuals and verify all information. Especially when you realize I’m doing it all alone. But it’s a hobby for me and I think it’s really fun to do: I want to share all my knowledge and all information I have of the older Volvo models with the world. I’ve been a Volvo-fan all my life and I want to share all that I know about these cars with the world for free!

Fortunately I’ve got full support of Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Cars Heritage: Volvotips has been given exclusive permission to publish all service manuals, part catalogs, brochures and all other documentation and publications that Volvo has produced in the past.

There’s still a lot of work to be done: I want Volvotips to be the biggest and most complete Volvo-site on the web. All information, details, history and background info of the older Volvo-models must be found on this website. At this time about 30% of all information is online, so 70% must be published in the next year.

The reason why I’m offering an advertising-program is pretty simple: since Volvotips uses a lot of traffic and runs on a pretty expensive server I need to cover the costs of running this website. With the huge amount of data this site consumes per month and the growth this site will make next years these running costs will increase a lot. That’s why I need an extra income to cover these costs. I’m using some rotating ads now, but it simply doesn’t cover these costs at all.

Volvotips ranks at the top of search engines and attracts visitors that are looking for the right information of their car:

  • looking for the model history and development of a Volvo (including exclusive pictures of prototypes)
  • tutorials and how-to guides for fixing small things on a Volvo
  • service & repair manuals for the Volvo they own
  • parts catalogs for the parts they need for their Volvo
  • all background information of certain Volvo models


Why should you advertise on Volvotips?

Volvotips is increasing in its size: every day new info is being published, and more and more visitors are using Volvotips to find the information they’re looking for. The number of visitors is increasing and Volvotips has about 54.000 pageviews per month.

Most of these visitors are looking for a tutorial how to repair their Volvo and which parts they need. They are having a problem with their car and willing to pay for parts or any solution to get their car working or in better condition. If you have a Volvo parts webshop it would be a great idea to advertise on Volvotips because most visitors are in need of a Volvo part.

With an advertisement the name and awareness of your company will increase. With 54.000 pageviews and about 17.000 unique visitors your company website will get more visitors and your revenue will increase.

Another great value of an advertisement on Volvotips will be the backlink: with an advertisement you’ll get another backlink that will be great for your ranking on search engines.

Benefits of advertising on Volvotips:

  • 54.000+ pageviews per month means 54.000 advertisement views
  • awareness of your company will increase
  • get more traffic to your company’s website and increase revenue
  • Volvotips is getting bigger and bigger, meaning more and more people will visit this site, meaning extra pageviews for your advertisement


Statistics of Volvotips

Volvotips is online since May 29 2011. The site has been build from scratch and in almost 2 years the number of unique visitors has been increased to about 650 per day (in the weekend the number of visitors is a bit higher). Most visitors visit 2 or 3 pages (average of 2,55 page per visit) during their visit and their visit is longer than 3,5 minutes. In the image below you can see the number of visitors in March 2013. In March 2013 Volvotips had 54.000 pageviews.

Volvotips statistics visitors
Click on the image for a large version

Visitors of Volvotips are from all around the world, but most of the visitors are from USA (24%), United Kingdom (11%), the Netherlands (9%) and Sweden (6%).

About 88% of the visitors is a male. About 17% of the visitors is between 25 and 34 years old, 27% of the visitors is between  35 and 44 years old, and 29% is between 55 and 64 years old.

Advertisement options

Volvotips offers three types of advertisement options:

  • a big top banner, just below the navigation menu
  • a smaller banner on the right side
  • a big banner at the bottom of the site

The advertisement should be supplied by the advertiser. Just mail it to me and I will add it on the website. The right size for the advertisment which you want to have can be found below.

Top banner

The top banner advertisement has a image size of 728 x 90 pixels and will be placed just below the navigation menu. The biggest benefit of this advertisement is its position: the visitor will see this advertisement right away! And since the banner is the biggest size it will be noticed very quickly.

The top banner will be rotated with 2 other banners.

See the image below how the top banner is positioned. Click on the image for a larger version.

Volvotips advertisement top banner
The top banner position (highlighted in green)


Right sidebar banner

This banner is shown at all pages and will be best seen when a visitor is reading an article. The bannersize is 200 x 48 pixels. The biggest benefit of this banner is that the reader will see it while he’s reading an article or using the online service manuals. And of course: it’s cheaper than the top banner.

There’s also a bigger size sidebar banner available: 200 x 96 pixels.

See the image below how the right sidebar banner has been placed on the Volvotips website (click on the image for a larger version).

Volvotips advertisement side right banner
The right sidebar banner (highlighted in green)

The bottom banner

The bottom banner has a image size of 728 x 90 pixels and will be shown at the bottom (below the footer) of the website. This advertisement position is the cheapest of all advertisements. It’s visible when the visitor scrolls down and reaches the end of an article.

See the image below how the bottom banner is positioned (highlighted in green, click on the image for a larger version).

Volvotips bottom banner position
The bottom banner advertisement position


Other advertisement options

If you have any other ideas or suggestions for placing an advertisement on Volvotips: feel free to contact me at info@volvotips.com!


Advertising rates

An advertisement on Volvotips will cost:

  • rotating top banner (728×90): EUR 77,50 per month ($ 100,–)
  • bigger right sidebar banner (200×96): EUR 65,– per month ($ 85,–)
  • right sidebar banner (200×48): EUR 50,– per month ($ 65,–)
  • bottom banner (728×90): EUR 25,– per month ($ 32,50)

You will receive an invoice (billed by my company 2HD) for these advertisements. You can pay per PayPal, bank transfer or creditcard (via PayPal).

If you decide to advertise for one year immediately (and also pay for one year), you will receive a 10% discount!

You can contact me at info@volvotips.com for more information, advertisement details and payment details.


How to order

To advertise on Volvotips, just choose the banner which you want to have (and the duration) and press Buy Now to pay per PayPal or creditcard.

Purchase a banner on Volvotips

If you ordered a banner, don’t forget to e-mail the right banner to Volvotips!







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