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How to install a Grom iPod interface

This how-to guide is almost similar to the tutorial of the Yatour usb-unit I posted earlier. But now it’s about the very popular Grom Audio iPhone/iPod/USB interface which is mostly used on the Volvo HU-radio.

I tried the Yatour usb-interface earlier and it’s working fine but not for me: the file support for mp3-files larger than 50mb is a bit slow and since I mostly listen to livesets the Yatour just didn’t meet my expectations. But as basic mp3 interface it’s good enough for most people. Fortunately Motrade allowed me to return the Yatour interface and I ordered a Grom USB2 interface at Motrade. The Grom USB2 has 3 ports: an USB2.0 port (which supports flash disks, hard drives and usb-sticks), an aux-port (for an external mp3-player or Bluetooth-device which is connected by the optional Bluetooth-dongle) and an iPod/iPhone (which needs the optional cable). Since a few weeks the Samsung Galaxy S and S II (both with Android) are also supported. See the diagram below how the Grom can be connected with one of all these devices.

The Grom USB2 works on all Volvo HU- and SC-radios and steering remote control is also supported. The newest Grom USB2 also supports cd-text (if you already have the older version, see Johan Hogervorst’s tutorial how to enable text support).

Grom USB interface diagram iPod iPhone USB Samsung Galaxy

Enough talking, now it’s time to show you how to install the Grom interface on your Volvo HU or SC radio!

I installed the Grom interface in my 2001 Volvo V70 with HU 1205 radio. Click on the images for a larger version.

Grom USB2 mp3 ipod iphone interface Volvo SC HU CR radio usb cable harness
The Grom USB2 iPhone & USB interface, including Posi-Tap, cable harness and that big black block is the filter of the Grom module. The yellow wire is for power and the thin black wire is for ground
Grom USB2 mp3 ipod iphone interface module Volvo usb connectors
A closer look on the Grom USB2 interface: the USB-port, the port for aux and Bluetooth dongle and the iPod/iPhone port. Please note: you’ll need to buy an extra cable for using an iPod or iPhone on this device!
Posi-Tap connector
Motrade sends a Posi-Tap connector with all orders, which makes the installation of the wire for power a lot easier! Installation of the Posi-Tap is easy: strip the cable about 1cm …
Posi-Tap connecting GROM interface module on power
…. insert the wire through the small hole on the back-part of the Posi-Tap (the small piece on the right on the image) and insert it into the Posi-Tap connector
Volvo V70 center console HU SC radio Volvo HU removal protecting gear shift knob buttons
To prevent the gear shift knob and control buttons on the center console to be damaged I use a towel to protect them
Removal handle Volvo HU 1205
To remove the HU-1205 unit press the small rectangles on the left and right of the radio. Then the handles of the unit will pop out which allows you to pull out the radio easily
Removing Volvo HU 1205 GPS navigation radio unit
Now pull out the radio. You don’t need to remove the connectors on the back (otherwise you’ll need to enter the radio-code). That’s why you’ll need to protect the gear selector so you can lay the radio on it
Volvo radio connectors cable harnesses V70 Parrot carkit Volvo Grom iPod iPhone USB mp3 module interface connecting power
Use the other end of the Posi-Tap on the red wire of the radio connector (you might expect you should use the yellow wire, but that wire only gets power when the key is inserted) and thighten the Posi-Tap on this part. The small iron pin will cut into the red wire, so it’s connected to power
Volvo HU SC radio connecting Grom USB mp3 iPhone interface
Now connect the round connector of the Grom interface cable into the cd changer port of the radio (it’s the one which has most pin-cutouts on it). The black wire (for grounding the interface) can be attached on the radio itself
Volvo V70 S60 cable radio usb iPhone module glove compartment
As you can see the cable of the Grom interface can be installed through the hole of the radio frame and glovebox. But since the cable isn’t pretty long you’ll need an USB extension cable. The iPhone/iPod-cable will be long enough
Volvo Grom USB2 iPod USB interface module installed glovebox
It seems ok, but actually the module must be installed a bit lower, otherwise the glovebox won’t close. You can install it lower, but in my case the books of the car won’t fit in the upper part of the glovebox. And since I’ll use USB-sticks I need an extension cable
Volvo HU SC radio cd text support GROM usb iPod iPhone Samsung Galaxy interface
Done! The Grom USB-interface works excellent and text support also works very good!

Enjoy your Grom-interface!



2 Responses to “How to install a Grom iPod interface”

  1. volvosteve says:

    You have mentioned the grom usb2, do you have any positive or negative info on the grom usb3? As near as i can tell it incorporates the blue tooth so that the additional purchase of the dongle is not required.
    Your site is outstanding keep up the good work
    Steve Knowles

    • Volvotips says:

      Hello Steve,

      I haven’t tested the Grom USB3 yet, but it should be an improvement of the USB2. The USB2 will sometimes crash, but with a later firmware it’s much more stable. Updating the Grom is pretty important, but I hope the USB3 will be very reliable out of the box.

      Best regards,

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