KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant

Archive for November, 2012

New redesigned bushings for the idler arm of Volvo Amazon, P1800, 140 and 164

A very common problem of the Volvo Amazon, 140/164 and P1800 is the bushing of the idler arm will wear out very quickly. Fortunately there is now a very good solution available for it: a bearing-mounted bushing with grease nipple. If your car uses the bushing with Volvo part number 671444 this new solution will […]


The transformation of my Volvo 240 sedan – part 1

My good old ’86 Volvo 240 sedan has some rust on the wheel arches and sills. Since rust never will disappear by itself I decided to fix these bad spots. But I can’t weld myself, so Kevin the mechanic decided to weld the 240. So we started this partial restoration about one and a half week […]