KdL Automotive Volvo onderhoud voor youngtimers en klassiekers Middelbeers Brabant

Archive for June, 2012

BMW wants to produce cars in old Volvo-factory in Born

As mentioned before on Volvotips Nedcar (the former factory in Born where the Volvo 300-series, 400-series and S40/V40 were produced) is for sale. The Dutch company VDL (who produces buses, coaches and some other transport-related products) wants to take over Nedcar, but only when they’re sure a car company gives them a big order to produce […]


New car! A very basic ’84 Volvo 740

Because I missed having a classic Volvo next to my V70N (I sold my Volvo 244 GL diesel 2 months ago) I started looking for a new car. It should have an automatic gearbox, power steering, a nice color and a sunroof would also be nice. It didn’t matter if it was a Volvo 200-series […]


Scantech Volvo parts stops production

As I mentioned a couple of months ago on Twitter a famous aftermarket Volvo & Saab-manufacturer stops producing parts. Most Volvo classic car drivers know Scantech for its cheap (but sometimes poor) aftermarket parts. Rumours last January said the investers of Scantech wanted to quit investing money in the company, but it seems Scantech stops being active […]