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164 parts manual

Volvotips got permission of Volvo Cars Heritage to publish the Volvo 140 and 164 service manuals and Volvo 140 & 164 parts catalogue. These service manuals and parts catalogs can be viewed at Volvotips but aren’t allowed to be downloaded. Instead of a downloadable PDF I created online html-version (sort of e-book) of all Volvo-manuals and catalogs which can be browsed through in your webbrowser. To view the Volvo parts catalog or Volvo greenbooks just click on the links below, all parts manuals are not in PDF format but in simple html so you can watch them instantly!

The Volvo 164 parts catalog is written in English, Swedish, German, Spanish and French.

Using the parts catalog isn’t hard: just look for the subject (like the engine, bodywork or cooling system) and search the sketch where the part is what you’re looking for. The number of the part is included and can be found at the page next to the drawing and tells you the part number (and in some cases: the new part number, or the quantity of that part needed, or some specific details). Now you know the part number and you can search the web to order it online or buy it at a shop.

Volvo 164 parts catalog

The Volvo 164 B30A & B30E parts catalog contains the following component groups (click on the links below to open that part of the catalog, it will open in a new window/tab):

Group 1a: changes

In this section you’ll find some changes and modifications of this newer parts manual and you can find explanation of some abbreviations and how to use the parts catalog.

Group 1b: index

At this section you can find the index of the Volvo 164 parts catalog. This manual also explains which abbreviations are being used and how the parts manual actually works.

Group 2a: Volvo 164 B30 engine

At this section you can find the B30 engine parts manual. Parts of the 164 engine: B30 shortblock, cylinder head, manifold, oil pump and gaskets.

Group 2b: Volvo 164 cooling system

This part of the parts manual is about the cooling system of the Volvo 164: radiator, hoses, water pump, gaskets and other components of the cooling system.

Group 2c: Volvo 164 fuel system & exhaust

This part of the parts manual is about the fuel system (B30A carburettor engine and B30E fuel injection system), intake and exhaust system of the Volvo 164.

Group 2d: Volvo 164 engine control parts

This section of the parts manual is about the B30 engine control system (throttle control, accelerator and brake pedal, clutch and choke) of the Volvo 164.

Group 3: Volvo 164 electrical system

This section of the parts manual is about the electrical system (like the lights, instruments, wiper motor, alternator, starter motor, cable harness, distributor, ignition and many more) of the Volvo 164.

Group 4: Volvo 164 power train

This part of the parts manual is about the power train of the Volvo 164: gearbox (the M400 and M410 manual gearboxes and BW35 automatic transmission), clutch, propeller shaft, rear axle and rear suspension system.

Group 5: Volvo 164 brake system

This section of the parts manual is about the brake system of the Volvo 164: brake hoses, brake pipes, servo, brake cylinder, calipers, brake discs and many more components of the brake system.

Group 6: Volvo 164 front axle & steering system

This part of the parts manual is about the front axle and steering system of the Volvo 164. It contains the front suspension and control arms, steering system and tie rods of the Volvo 164.

Group 7: Volvo 164 suspension

This part of the parts manual is about the suspension system of the Volvo 164. It actually refers to the other groups where the suspension parts can be found: group 4 and 6 contains most of the suspension parts.

Group 8: Volvo 164 body & chassis parts, interior & dashboard

This part of the parts manual is about the body and chassis parts of the Volvo 164. It contains the body parts, windows, dashboard, interior and upholstery.

Group 9: Volvo 164 heater system, airconditioning, seatbelts & tools

This part of the parts manual is about the heating, airconditioning, tools and seat belts parts of the Volvo 164.

Group 10a: Volvo 164 part number register

This part of the parts manual shows the index / register of all part numbers of the Volvo 164.

Group 10b: Volvo 164 repair sets

This part of the parts manual shows the repair sets (like gasket sets, B30 piston set, exhaust set, carburetor repair parts combined in one package etc) of the Volvo 164.


Enjoy these parts catalogs of the Volvo 164!


Disclaimer: Volvotips has the exclusive courtesy of Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Cars Heritage to publish the Volvo Greenbooks (service manual), parts catalogs and other Volvo-material and publications. Commercial use and publishing at other websites of these items is prohibited.


© Volvotips.com 2012

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